Formal Opening of

Gold Moon - Handcrafted Metals and Gems

November 18 2009, Oamaru

091118 ready to open

1. The ribbon is tied and the guests awaited!
(Click on thumbnail to see big photo)

091118 Gold Moon Opening by Yannick

2. The Arch-Wizard of New Zealand QSM, Michael O'Brien (Bookbinder and 18th Century Scot), and Sue Leader, Goldsmith/Jeweller, await the final guests.

(Photo by courtesy Yannick Servole, Photographer, Oamaru Mail)

091118 the Blessing by the ArchWizard of NZ

3. With mighty Invocations and calling on the Power of the Staff and the Horn, the Wizard bestows blessings for a bright and prosperous future on the new establishment.

091118 Michael cuts the ribbon

4. The Champion of the Oamaru Heritage Movement slashes the ribbon with his mighty dirk.

091118 the view from the door

5. The Proprietor opens the door and invites the guests to enter and partake of Champagne.

091118 the Opening Group

6. The Guests - those who provided much needed encouragement for the new venture - pose for Posterity!
Left to right: Michael (Michael O'Brien Bookbinder), Mike (Tiger Lily's), Liz (Grace Crystals), June (Bead Emporium), Chantelle (Tiger Lily's), Marie (Michael O'Brien Bookbinder), The Arch-Wizard of New Zealand, QSM.

Not pictured: Derek (Bead Emporium - came later as someone had to run the shop!) and Linda French (Best Mate, Wellington, present by cellphone - which can be sighted in Photo #4 - and in spirit.)

091118 display cases on right

Display cases straight ahead as you enter shop - my work is displayed in these.

091118 display cases on left

Display cases, left side of door - these display creations by Theadosia of Theadosia's Shed, Wellington, who also supplied the bottle of champagne to bring down for the opening (thanks!) Jeweller's workbench behind to right.

091118 display cases on right close-up

Close-up of one of my display cases.

091118 display cases on left close-up

Close-up of one of the display cases with Theadosia's work, with the Gold Moon sign for the footpath behind.

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Made with Gallery by MINO STUDIO and heavily edited by Sue.